To provide advance access to an audio version of chapters from the eBook, History Through 27 Hymns and Songs, TortoiseClimbing Audio™ will produce a series of podcasts of each chapter, which will be made available in advance of the Audiobook.
They are professionally produced narrations of the text from the publication History Through 27 Hymns and Songs. The episodes are recorded:
The professional narration presents each chapter of the academically researched and edited manuscript, History Through 27 Hymns and Songs, with the feelings you might experience reading the eBook.
Target for initial chapters to become available is as soon in 2024 as possible after release of the eBook, History Through 27 Hymns and Songs.
When available, you can access by going to the link on the Store Access page on this website by clicking on Podcast.
These advance podcasts will be made available in 2 forms. As:
For those who subscribe to the entire series of the chapters and appendices, the Audiobook will be made available as a free download.
The audiobook will also be available for individual purchase.
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