Vocal version of this album is available in 2 formats from the Online Marketplace at Bandcamp. They are:
To order, see Hymns and Songs of My Mother at Store Access for convenient link to online marketplace product page, where you can purchase either a digital download, or a CD to be mailed to you.)
For more details and streaming of some numbers from the Hymns and Songs see Annotated Playlist.
There will be other derivative versions of this album in the near future, including:
Click on seal of authenticity to see proof of licensing for songs still under copyright.
1 Angels from the Realms of Glory 2:14
2 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 3:16
3 God Is My Shepherd 2:19
4 In the Garden 3:05
5 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee 2:21
6 This Is My Father’s World 3:16
7 Be Thou with Them 2:19
8 Morning Has Broken 3:50
9 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 3:33
10 Glorious Things of Thee
Are Spoken 2:37
11 America the Beautiful 3:07
12 I Need Thee Every Hour 4:06
13 O God Our Help in Ages Past 2:54
14 Sweet Hour of Prayer 1:58
15 Amazing Grace 3:36
16 Faith of Our Fathers 2:40
17 For the Beauty of the Earth 3:17
18 Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us 3:30
19 Were You There 2:43
(A cappella number omitted from companion versions)
20 Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring 2:50
21 Just A Closer Walk with Thee 2:27
(A cappella number omitted from companion versions)
22 It Is Well with My Soul 4:56
23 Rock of Ages 2:10
24 Abide with Me 3:02
25 Welcome Home© 3:12
26 God Be with You
‘Till We Meet Again 1:18
27 The Lord Bless You
and Keep You 1:18
Total Playing Time of Album 77:54
To order, see Hymns and Songs of My Mother at Store Access for convenient link to online marketplace product page, where you can purchase either a digital download, or a CD to be mailed to you.)
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