TortoiseClimbing 404 Error Message

- Webpage Not Found -

Why You Received This Error Message

If you received this 404 error message from TortoiseClimbing, it likely means the link on the previous webpage that you clicked on is broken. To facilitate TortoiseClimbing fixing that broken link ASAP, it would be GREATLY appreciated if you would report that you received a 404 error message.

How You Can Report This Error

Preferred "2 step" Approach

First, either click on the Back arrow on your Browser or click on this button. Both will take you back to the previous page, i.e., the one where you clicked on the broken link that got you to this 404 Error page.

  Click to go back to previous webpage containing broken link  

Second. The 2nd part of this 2 step process is to click on the button at the bottom of that webpage labeled "Click to provide comment to improve this page." By clicking on that button at the bottom of the webpage with the broken link, you initiate TortoiseClimbing's comment form enabling you to report the broken link.

Going back to the webpage with the broken link is preferred for 2 reasons:

  1. It enables you to review details about the broken link you clicked on, which you can include in your comment about that page, and
  2. Reporting the broken link from the webpage containing the broken link will automatically give us information about which webpage the broken link is located on.

(The reason this approach is prefered is because the button "Click to provide comment about this page" function also automatically reports the name of the webpage you were on when you clicked that button. Thus, by going back to the webpage with the broken link to initiate your comment, it will automatically report the name of the webpage you are reporting about, which has the broken link.)

When you click on that button at the bottom of the page with the broken link, it will transfer you to the comment form. After you provide the required identification and contact information, then in the comments field at the bottom of the comment form, please explain you are reporting a broken link, plus whatever identifying details you remember about the webpage containing the broken link that transferred you this 404 error message page.

Not Preferred

If instead you click on the button at the bottom of this page labeled "Click to provide comment about this page," while it too will take you to the comment form, it will be from this 404 error message page. The consequence is your comment will NOT contain the name of the webpage with the broken link. Thus, in the comments field you would need to provide the name of the webpage with the broken link, and any other descriptive data about that webpage and broken link. So, if you use this link from this webpage, please be sure to include in the comment field of the form the name of the webpage with the broken link.

If you wish to comment on contents of this webpage, Clicking the button below will both transfer you to the Contact/Comment page, and pass along that you were on this webpage when you decided to comment.

Many Thanks for your assistance in identifying the webpage with a broken link! Your help will bring this (missing page; broken link, etc.) problem to our attention for fixing, ASAP.