
Contact/Comment Form

Thank you for your interest in providing feedback, expressing interest, providing comment(s), suggestions, questions, etc.! Your inquiries and input are welcome and valuable!

Your inquiries/interest/comments/suggestions/corrections, etc., about any topic regarding products, improvements/fixes/revisions to webpages' content, contacting David, or other operational characteristics, are greatly encouraged and appreciated!

Thanks again!

NOTE. In addition to your inquiries/interest/comments, which you enter in the "Comments" field below, this form requires several additional information items for it to be sent to TortoiseClimbing™. These are required to:

1. Your contact information is solely for purposes of contacting you, should it be needed for followup to obtain any elaboration regarding your inquiry/interests/comment(s). Your contact information will NOT be shared with any other source, nor  will TortoiseClimbing™ be sending out solicitations!!

2. The CAPTCHA value at the end is the method by which you demonstrate you are a human (not a spamming internet robot)!

If you choose to provide a telephone number, it MUST be a U.S. standard 10 numeric digit number [WITHOUT any puncuation before or between the numbers entered], that means no leading 1 for long distance, +, (), /, - or spaces.  

(Any needed follow-up contact with persons outside the U.S. will Only be handled via email.)

How you heard of TortoiseClimbing™ is Not required, but it would be GREATLY appreciated if you would provide a selection.

Since you chose "Other," please provide your personal reason for how you heard about TortoiseClimbing™ in the below "Other Reason" field.  Thanks!


NOTE. Although provision of a Subject for your comment is optional - this field is the subject of the message this form sends to TortoiseClimbing™. A clear subject will greatly help more quickly categorize an understanding of the purpose of your interest/comment.

Enter the 6 letters and/or numbers in the CAPTCHA image below: (required). NOTE. Although the CAPTCHA image can include Upper and lower case letters, your inputs for this field are NOT Case Sensitive), i.e., you can use all CAPS or all lowercase, or any combination.

CAPTCHA Image for Contact/ Comment Form

If you have difficulty
interpreting the
CAPTCHA image,  
CLICK here
to request New image.


This is the Interim URL for this New Website.
We continue adding and revising pages before migrating to the original .com URL


© 2000-2025 TortoiseClimbing™

Designed and Implemented by

TortoiseClimbing Webservices™

Website last updated 01/06/2025

Hosted by A2 Hosting, Inc.

   current testing 2


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