David's retirement from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation in 2019 gave TortoiseClimbing™ the full-time resources to devote to:
Because Ms. Gerber-Salins, Phase I Producer for Hymns and Songs of My Mother, had become a full-time professor in audio and media, she no longer had time to be producer for Phase II of this project. Fortunately, she had helped David acquire a working knowledge about the role of Producer. Thus, upon obtaining the assistance of Mr. Bill McElroy as Associate Producer/Audio engineer, David took on the role of Producer.
Mr. Goettee previously recorded a number of songs with friends, plus the first private recording, Solo Collection, under Mr. McElroy. Those provided a beginning appreciation for working in a professional recording studio. But, because most of the recordings were just with piano, it only provided glimpses into producing.
Then during Phase I development of the album Hymns and Songs of My Mother, Mr. Goettee worked with Ms. Gerber-Salins. For this album there were many decisions made to create variety within the album. That provided considerable observations about production decisions Ms. Gerber-Salins made, and why they were made to create variety and color. Those experiences provided David with foundations of information about processes of production.
Then, during the extended hiatus between Phases I and II, Ms. Gerber-Salins provided additional training, repeatedly providing critique inputs to David's analysis notes of the Phase I draft recordings. Those recurring discussions identified where and how the numbers could benefit from further changes/additions, with proposed ideas for those changes. Those discussions with Ms. Gerber-Salins produced increasing understanding and refined production notes on how to refine the draft of Hymns and Songs of My Mother.
Those sets of experiences:
provided needed production guidance concepts that helped guide work under Phase II toward completing recording, mixing and mastering of Hymns and Songs of My Mother.
Additionally during phase II, TortoiseClimbing™ Audio had access to suggestions, guidance and facilitation from Mr. McElroy as Associate Producer.
The previous assistance from both Ms. Gerber-Salins in developing the production notes, and Mr. McElroy's assistance in further refining and expanding the production ideas as part of carrying out Phase II are gratefully acknowledged!
Later in Phase II, Ms. Gerber-Salins again provided valuable production guidance drawing on her years of audio production experience. For details see Additional Production Assistance.
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