Additional Production Assistance Phase II

Additional production assistance in creation of the album Hymns and Songs of My Mother was provided by 2 people in 2 major areas. Those are:

Post Production

With the advent of digital audio processing capabilities, post production processing became another important tool available in the audio production process for improving final production quality of recordings to make them more accurate, and thus more pleasing to the listener's ear. For this project, audio post production processing was performed by two persons.

Ms. Heidi Gerber-Salins

Note. She was the very creative and giving producer of Phase I of this recording when she was at Bias. For bio details about Ms. Heidi Gerber-Salins click on Heidi Gerber-Salins.

By 2023 she was a full-time Assistant Professor at Howard University, teaching multi-media and film audio, but in her spare time continued limited production aspects through AllAccessAudio. We had discussed the value Post Production tuning could bring to the Hymns and Songs of My Mother. Because of her extensive knowledge and emotional involvement with this project, she volunteered to assist with post production processing for this album.

She completed post production processing on the song "Be Thou with Them" and provided to Mr. McElroy at Slipped DISC. Unfortunately shortly after that, she was injured in a car crash, struck from behind by a drunk driver. That created a significant and indeterminate period of therapy and recovery time before Ms. Gerber-Salins could resume performing post production processing. (Therefore, to move the project forward, David obtained needed software, learned how to use, and took on that functionality.)

David Goettee.

After Ms. Gerber-Salins' injury made her unavailable for an indeterminate period to work on post production work for this project, TortoiseClimbingAudio took on the post production role. We expanded our subscription of Adobe's software from just Dreamweaver®, used for building this website. The complete suite of Adobe's software programs includes Audition®. That is digital audio workstation software fairly widely used used by a number of podcasters for editing their podcasts. For purposes of this project, it includes a number of post production editing capabilities. Mr. Goettee learned and used those capabilities to perform audio post production processing on all other numbers in this recording, as appropriate.

Note. Having gained those skills, Mr. Goettee also used them to master and restore the 1959 Annapolis High School choirs' recording of The Crucifixion. TortoiseClimbing Audio™ is providing free downloads of the 1959 performance of The Crucifixion both from this website, see The Crucifixion, and from its Marketplace Website, see The Crucifixion.

The Audition software will also be used to support creation of the advanced podcasts of chapters from the eBook, History Thorugh 27 Hymns and Songs, and the final audiobook.

For bio details about David click on David Goettee.

Critique of Effects, Equalization and Volume

In 2023 and 2024, Ms. Gerber-Salins again provided other valuable production inputs that enabled significant improvements in the draft master. The final product would not be what it is without her additional assistance.

Getting Started

Following her car crash that sidelined her from post production processing, follow up discussions about additional inputs from Ms. Gerber-salins as part of the process of completing the album Hymns and Songs of My Mother took place in 2023 at an informal meeting. We met at a neighborhood coffee shop to visit, reminisce, and discuss details of how to wrap up loose ends of the album. That included discussing getting her inputs of production improvements needed and the possibility of her recording a duet harmony on one more hymn, "Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us." We took the following selfie/photo at that meeting.

David and Heidi Leah Gerber-Salins

Review Session

We met later in 2023 at her studio, where she reviewed and commented on the then draft phase II materials and shared with me the benefit of her years of experience in audio production. Based on those years of audio production experience, she pointed out that while we had achieved great production quality on each of the individual files, we needed to next focus on achieving consistency in the overall album. She pointed out that the overall listenability of the draft album was degraded by inconsistancies in production treatments between the individual files in the areas of differing:

Based on the incredibly valuable benefit of her pointing me to those additional audio production issues, which I was not experienced in, she empowered me to focus on them and go thru the entire album making notes for where we needed to make changes to bring each of those elements into a consistent treatment throughout the album. I then worked with Mr. Bill McElroy to diligently execute those revisions, creating consistency. The overall listenability of the album was significantly improved as a result of Ms. Gerber-Salins review and comments!

Adding Final Duet

Subsequenlty we scheduled a recording session early in 2024 at SlippedDisc, but a surprise snow storm canceled our scheduled recording session. We rescheduled during winter 2024 and successfully got Ms. Gerber-Salins to that recording session at SlippedDisc with Bill McElroy, where she recorded her original duet harmony on a verse on "Saviour Like A Shepherd Lead Us."

An interesting side story is the "Murphy effect" struck again regarding winter snow storms, i.e., another snow storm came through the day she recorded her addition to the hymm. But fortunately, the storm did not manifiest itself until late evening hours after Ms. Gerber-Salins was able to safely drive home.

Final Note

Many, many thanks, yet again, to Ms. Gerber-Salins for being willing to repeatedly lend her valuable expertise to the processes of creating the remarkable quality manifested in this lengthy album of nostalgic traditional hymns and songs! She repeatedly played major parts enabling achievment of my mother's concept of an extensive quality album for the public of her and dad's favorite hymns and songs! The team effort shows in the quality achieved in the final product.


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