Follow Along with Performance

Lyrics and performers for:
1959 AHS performances of The Crucifixion
Robert F Kunkle, Choral Director

Numbers below match numbering in Stainer's score. (Hymns are omitted with notice.) Some numbers have in the score have numerous subcomponent numbers. Those are broken out under the major title to assist in following the lyrics. Detailed timining of when each number begins within the timeline are given to aid in finding each specific lyrics within the overall 41 1/2 minutes of the performance.

NOTE. We would love to add information about whether a specific one of the 2 women's choirs sang different numbers, or if both choirs sang together on those numbers. If you have any such information, please click on the Comments button at the bottom of this page to provide TortoiseClimbing Audio™ that information so we can add it, or you can provide your contact information for following up with you.

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1. Recit: And they came to a place named Gethsemane

0:00 Organ Introduction. Organist throughout was Marilyn Riecke on AHS's Hammond Organ.

0:31 Scored for Tenor solo. Performed by AHS Women’s choir.

And they came to a place named Gethsemane, and Jesus saith to his disciples: Sit ye here, while I shall pray.

2. The Agony

1:19 Recit: Scored for Bass solo. Performed by David Goettee.

Could ye not watch with me one brief hour? Could ye not pity my sorest need? Ah! If ye sleep while the tempests lower, surely, my friends, I am lone indeed.

2:01 Chorus: Scored for chorus. Performed by Mixed choir.

Jesu, Lord Jesu, bowed in bitter anguish, and bearing all the evil we have done. Oh, teach us, teach us how to love thee for thy love; Help us to pray, and watch, and mourn with thee.

2:52 Recit: Scored for bass solo. Performed by David Goettee.

Could ye not watch with me one brief hour? Did ye not say upon Kedron's slope, ye would not fall into the Tempter's power? Did ye not murmur great words of hope?

3:33 Chorus: Scored for chorus. Performed by Mixed choir.

Jesu, Lord Jesu, bowed in bitter anguish, and bearing all the evil we have done. Oh, teach us, teach us how to love thee for thy love; Help us to pray, and watch, and mourn with thee.

4:23 Recit: Scored for Bass solo. Performed by David Goettee.

Could ye not watch with me? Even so: Willing in heart, but the flesh is vain. Back to mine agony I must go. Lonely to pray in bitterest pain.

5:08 Scored for Tenor solo. Performed by Women’s choir.

And they laid their hands on him and took him, and led him away to the High Priest. And the High Priest asked him and said unto him.

5:24 Scored for Bass from choir. Performed by Douglas Hubbard.

Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?

5:30 Scored for Tenor. Performed by Women’s choir.

Jesus said,

5:35 Scored for Bass solo. Performed by David Goettee.

I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

6:00 Scored for Tenor solo. Performed by Women’s choir.

Then the High Priest rent his clothes and saith:

6:09 Scored for Bass from chorus. Performed by Fred Eucare.

What need we any further witnesses? Ye have heard the blasphemy.

6:23 Scored for Tenor solo. Performed by Women’s choir.

And they all condemned him to be guilty of death. And they bound Jesus and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate. And Pilate willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified. And the soldiers led him away.

3. Processional to Calvary

7:38 Organ Processional.

9:57 Scored for Chorus. Performed by mixed choir.

Fling wide the gates, For the Savior waits to tread in His royal way. He has come from above in His power and love, to die on this Passion day.
Fling wide the gates! The Savior waits!
Fling wide the gates! The Savior waits to tread in His royal way.
His cross is the sign of the love divine. His crown is the thorn-wreath of woe.

He bears his load on the sorrowful road. And bends 'neath the burden throne.
Fling wide the gates! He waits! The Savior waits!
Fling wide the gates, for the Savior waits to tread in His royal way.
He has come from above in His power and love, to die on this Passion day –
To die on this Passion day.

Recit: Scored for Tenor solo.

12:51 Performed by Pat Tanner.

How sweet is the grace of his sacred face and lovely beyond compare.

13:26 Performed by Lucy Phelps.

Though weary and worn with the merciless scorn of a world he has come to spare. The burden of wrong that earth bears along, past evil and evil to be.

14:10 Performed by Pat Tanner.

All sins of man since the world began, they are laid, dear Lord, on thee.

14:32 Scored for Chorus. Performed by Mixed choir.

Then on to the end, my God and my Friend, with Thy Banner lifted high! Thou art come from above in thy power and love, to endure and suffer and die.

Fling wide the gates! He waits! The Savior waits! Then on to the end, my God and my Friend, to suffer, endure, and die. To suffer, endure, and die.

4. Recit: And when they were come

15:57 Scored for Bass solo. Performed by Women’s choir.

And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified him, they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right, and the other on the left.

5. Omitted Hymn

6. Recit: He made himself of no reputation

16:46 Scored for Bass solo. Performed by Women’s choir.

He made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, ev'n the death of the cross.

7. The Majesty of the Divine Humiliation

17:57 Recit: Scored for Tenor solo. Performed by Women’s choir.

King ever glorious, King ever glorious!
The dews of death are gath'ring round thee; upon the cross thy foes have bound thee - thy strength is gone, thy strength is gone.
Not in thy Majesty, robed in Heaven's supremist splendor, but in weakness and surrender, thou hangest there.
Who can be like thee?
Pilate high in Zion dwelling, Rome with arms the world compelling, Proud though they be?
Thou art sublime, thou art sublime:
Far more awful in thy weakness, more than kingly in thy meekness, thou Son of God, thou Son of God.
Glory and honor: let the world divide and take them; crown its monarchs and unmake them; but thou, thou wilt reign.
Here in abasement; crownless, poor, disrobed, and bleeding:
There, in glory interceding, thou art the King, thou art the King!

8. Recit: And as Moses lifted up the serpent

21:09 Scored for Bass solo. Performed by Women’s choir.

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

9. God So Love the World

22:14 Scored for Chorus. Performed by Mixed choir.

God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.

10. Omitted Hymn

11. Recit: Jesus said, "Father, forgive them"

25:17 Scored for Tenor solo. Sung by Women’s choir.

Jesus said:

25:36 Scored for Tenors and Bases. Sung by Tenors and Basses from Mixed choir.

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

12. Duet: So Thou liftest Thy divine petition.

25:56 Scored for Bass solo. Sung by Women’s choir.

So thou liftest thy divine petition, pierc'd with cruel anguish through and through;

26:23 Scored for Tenor solo. Sung by Women’s choir.

So thou grievest o'er our lost condition, pleading, "Ah, they know not what they do."

26:49 Scored for Tenor solo. Sung by Women’s choir.

Oh! ‘'Twas love.

26:52 Scored for Tenor and Bass duet. Sung by Women’s choir.

Oh! 'Twas love, in love's divinest feature, passing o'er that dark and murd'rous blot, finding, e'en for each low fallen creature, though they slay thee - one redeeming spot.

Yes! And still thy patient heart is yearning with a love that mortal scarce can bear; thou in pity, deep, divine, and burning, liftest e'en for me thy mighty prayer. So thou pleadest, e'en for my transgression, bidding me look up and trust and live; so thou murmurest thine intercession, bidding me look up and trust and live; so thou pleadest, Yea, he knew not, yea, he knew not - for My sake forgive, for My sake forgive, forgive, forgive.

13. Omitted Hymn

14. Recits.

29:56 Scored for Bass solo. Narrator. Sung by John Phelps.

And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on Him saying:

30:17 Scored for a voice from choir. First Malefactor. Sung by Marshall DeGraw.

“If thou be the Christ save thyself and us.”

30:26 Scored for Bass solo. Narrator. Sung by John Phelps.

But the other answering rebuked him, saying:

30:37 Scored for another voice from choir. Second Malefactor. Sung by James Nicewarner.

“Dost not thou fear God seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward for our deeds: but this man has done nothing amiss.”

31:14 Scored for Bass solo. Narrator. Sung by John Phelps.

And he said unto Jesus:

31:22 Scored for another voice from choir. Second Malefactor. Sung by James Nicewarner.

“Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom.”

31:39 Scored for Bass solo. Narrator. Sung by John Phelps.

And Jesus said unto him.

31:47 Scored for Tenors from Chorus. Jesus. Sung by Mixed choir.

“Verily I say to thee, today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.”

15. Omitted Hymn

16. Recit: When Jesus therefore saw his mother

32:09 Scored for Tenor. Narrator. Sung by Women’s choir.

When Jesus therefore saw his Mother and the disciple standing by, whom he loved; He saith unto His Mother:

32:42 Scored for Tenors and Bases. Jesus. Sung by Mixed choir.

“Woman! Behold thy son.”

32:52 Scored for Tenor. Narrator. Sung by Women’s choir.

Then saith He to the disciple.

32:58 Scored for Chorus. Jesus. Sung by Mixed choir.

“Behold thy mother!”

33:06 Scored for Bass solo. Narrator. Sung by Richard Vogelsang.

There was darkness over all the earth.

33:29 Scored for Bass solo. Sung by Women’s choir.

And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying.

33:48 Scored for Tenors and Basses. Jesus. Sung by Women’s choir.

“My God! My God! Why hast Thou forsaken Me?”

17. Recit: Is it nothing to you?

34:13 Scored for for Bass solo. Sung by David Goettee.

Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.

18. The Appeal of the Crucified

35:15 Scored for Chorus. Sung by Mixed choir.

From the throne of his cross, the King of grief cries out to a world of unbelief:
Oh! Men and women, afar and nigh, is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?
I laid my eternal power aside, I came from the home of the Glorified, a babe, in the lowly cave to lie;
is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?
I wept for the sorrows and pains of men, I healed them, and helped them, and loved them
- but then, they shouted against me - "Crucify!"
Is it nothing to you?
Behold me and see: pierced through and through with countless sorrows - and all is for you; for you I suffer, for you I die,
is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?
Oh! Men and women, your deeds of shame, your sins without reason and number and name; I bear them all on the cross on high;
is it nothing to you?
Is it nothing to you that I bow my head? And nothing to you that my blood is shed?
O perishing souls to you I cry, Is it nothing to you?
O come unto me - by the woes I have borne, by the dreadful scourge, and the crown of thorns, by these, I implore you to hear my cry,
Is it nothing to you?
O come unto me - this awful price, redemption's tremendous sacrifice – is paid for you. Oh. Why will ye die O come unto me.

19. Recits. and Chorus: After this

39:40 Scored for Tenor solo. Sung by Carroll Dove.

After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, saith.

40:11 Scored for Tenor chorus. Sung by Mixed Choir.

"I thirst."

40:18 Scored for Tenor solo. Sung by Carroll Dove.

When Jesus had received the vinegar, he saith.

40:38 Scored for Tenor and Bass chorus. Sung by Mixed Choir.

"It is finished. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit."

41:17 Scored for Tenor solo. Sung by Carroll Dove.

And he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

20. Omitted Hymn

Duration - 41:36

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