Dave Mather (Initial Copy Editor):
History Through 27 Hymns and Songs

After having adopted the Chicago Manual of Style on recommendation of Dr. Nancy Graham, and having a go at making the draft conform, Mr. Mather provided initial copy editing comments for the History Through 27 Hymns and Songs eBook. His comments were a great help in achieving consistent formating according to the Chicago Manual of Style throughout, improving its appeal and readability. I am deeply grateful Mr. Mather had the interest and took the time to provide those copy edit comments on that early draft of this extensive project. He brought a rich background of diverse experiences in areas such as news story telling, and academic publications.

There is an interesting back story as to how his involvement in this project came about. This is another of those instances where you can question, was it meant to be, or was it just another happenstance? See below.


Mr. Mather obtained a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from Indiana University, Bloomington, with a Journalism Major and English Minor.

Related Experience

He then acquired years of professional experience in a variety of different publication formats, including:

In addition, he activily volunteered with a variety of different functional areas, including:


David's path crossed Mr. Mather's when Mr. Mather was hired as the lead technical editor for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Office of Analysis, Research and Technology, in Washington, DC, where David was then a research project manager. Each research project produced a research report for publication.

David and Mr. Mather, with his staff, were responsible for augmenting as necessry each of David's research reports ensuring they met the publication standards followed by the Office. That service was especially important for researchers who did not have inhouse publication staffs, thus ensuring all final publication products met the high quality, standardized requirements of the FMCSA office. (Sometimes there could be considerable additional work required to prepare the final reports for publication.)

Their numerous interactions crafting final publications, led to personal understandings and respect between David and Mr. Mather.

Some years later after David's retirement, when he had acheived a working draft of the History Through 27 Hymns and Songs book, he thought of Mr. Mather. Fortuitously, both had moved on from FMCSA, and Mr. Mather had the luxury of some discretionary time between his numerous other responsibilities and was iagreed to assist with copy editing this publication.

Shortly after, Mr. Mather had a heart pacemaker inplanted. He never recovered his energy levels and passed away in September 2021. Obituary

The level of professionalism Mr. Mather brought to this task is greatfully acknowledged as adding greater uniformity.

So, was their working together on this project meant to be, or was it just another happenstance?

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